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Don't worry, you can still get access to all the expert tips, strategies, and insights from the masterclass

Get Instant Access to hours of valuable content and learn how to create high-quality, engaging content that captives your audience

Kaelin is Finally Exposing all of Her Proprietary Creative Systems & Processes That She Used & Developed to Amass Billions of Views Online, $50 Million in Profitable Ad Spend, & $200 Million in Business Revenue which Led Her Company To #4 on The Inc 5000 list.

1 Billion



Business Revenue


Ad Spend


Masterclass You'll Learn:

her proprietary Creative systems:

The Content Machine System

That Produces & Deploys A Month’s Worth Of Content In Only A Few Days & Protects You From Burnout, Overwhelm, & Constant Filming.

The Endless Ads Method

That Generates & Tests 50+ New Styles Of Ad Creatives Per Week, Every Week Of The Year.

The Cheat Codes Of Content Production

The Top Secret Resources That Make Filming & Producing Content Feel Like You’re Cheating The System.

The Content Calendar System

That Timelines Creative Outputs Across All Channels & Creates Consistent Omnipresence Without Overlap Or “Overdoing It.”

The Perfect Ad Framework

That Builds Converting Scripts Effortlessly & Pumps Out A Top Performing Ad Every Time. 

How to Dissect The Anatomy Of A Top Performing Ad

The Auditing Process That Generates & Deploys New Versions of Top Performing Ads… That Outperforms Current Creative.

The Pain & Dream Bank Process

That Gives You Unlimited Content Topics & Makes You A Customer Magnet For Your “Perfect” Buyer.

The Marketing Execution Map

That Connects All Of The Character Marketing Processes Together In One Simple Flow Chart For Easy Implementation By You & Your Team

You Will ALSO Learn:

HER Character

development PROCESSES:

Attractive Character Alignment

As An Extension Of Who You Really Are… Not A Different Version Of Yourself... So That You Don't Have To Try To Be Someone You’re Not To Attract Your Audience) that alleviates living a double life or feeling like a “fraud.”

The Personality Pyramid

The Recipe To Create Content That Yields The Perfect Mix Of Industry Knowledge & Personal Beliefs; So That You Can Attract Customers That Align With You (Without Turning People “Off”) 

How To Develop Your Attractive Character Story Bank

So That You Can Communicate Your Backstory & Experiences Effectively Without Telling The Same Story Over & Over Again

The Character Filter That Attracts Your Perfect Customer

Making Each New Customer A Perfect Match For Your Product & Brand… And Builds A Raving Fan Customer Base That You Love

The "Set & Stage"

Content Creation Method

To Attract The Right Demographic To Your Content Before They Ever Watch The Ad 

The Perfect “Performance”

How To Deliver Content In A Way That Entertains Your Audience, Make Them Feel Like You’re Best Friend, & Keep Them Buying From You Over & Over Again.

The Science Of Standing Out

How To Make Your Content Stand Out In The Feeds & Make Your Perfect Customer Stop Scrolling

How to Bulletproof Yourself From The Trolls Of Social Media

So That Negative Comments & “Haters” Have No Effect On Your Mindset Or Ability To Produce New Content.


The Only Other Way To Access This Masterclass Costs $25,000!

If You're Tired Of...

  • Having to film content all the time

  • Struggling to generate new content ideas

  • Being burnt out or overwhelmed trying to keep up with content production

  • Shotgunning your content strategy instead of having a data-driven decision system

  • Endlessly trying to find new ways to keep your content relevant

  • Spending time creating & publishing content that’s not converting the way you expected

  • Struggling to create a consistent content schedule across all platforms

  • Figuring out how to be polarizing to attract your audience without turning potential buyers "off"

  • Feeling like a "fraud," not being able to be the "real you", or stuck being someone you’re not - in order to attract your audience

And You Want To...

  • 10x your content output while actually filming LESS

  • Leverage proven creative systems to produce higher converting content than ever before

  • Attract your perfect customers that will become raving fans & buy from you over & over again 

  • Streamline your content creation & publishing process so you can be “seen” everywhere without having to BE everywhere all the time

  • Learn how to effectively communicate to your (potential) perfect customers in the feed & draw them to you while repelling people who aren't a good fit for you or your product

  • Build systems around you so that you don't have to be a slave to social media to be relevant

  • Be able to tell your story, edify yourself, and share your life & your successes without feeling like a narcissist

  • Evolve your attractive character from being an exhaustingly amped up or watered down "version" of you into being an expansion of the REAL you so you can stop living a double life


get your ticket NOW!


for this ONE-TIME-ONLY Event!

  • The Content Machine Process ($14,997 Value)

  • The Endless Ads Method  ($24,997 Value)

  • The Cheat Codes Of Content Production ($4,997 Value)

  • The Content Calendar System $14,497 Value) 

  • The Perfect Ad Framework ($9,997 Value)

  • How To Dissect The Anatomy Of Top Ads ($9,997 Value)

  • The Pain Dream Bank Process ($4,497 Value)

  • The Character Marketing Execution Map ($9,997 Value)

  • Attractive Character Alignment ($4,997 Value)

  • The Personality Pyramid ($9,997 Value)

  • How To Develop Your Character Story Bank ($2,997 Value)

  • The Character Filter That Attracts Your Perfect Customer ($9,997 Value)

  • The 'Set & Stage" Content Creation Method ($2,997 Value)

  • The Perfect Performance ($4,497 Value)

  • The Science Of Standing Out ($2,997 Value)

  • Bulletproofing Yourself From The Trolls Of Social Media ($1,997 Value)


Unlimited Access To The Event Recordings

Total Value: $134,452 USD

***In-Person Tickets have already SOLD OUT!***

Claim Your Seat at the Virtual Workshop Before It's Full Too!

This Masterclass is Designed For:

Ecommerce Owners

Online Businesses

Course Creators


Service Businesses


Absolutely Anyone With Any Product Or Any Type Of Business


I've spent the last 8 YEARS building & perfecting the creative systems, processes, & SOP’s

that built our company from ground zero to $200 Million in Revenue & 700,000+ customers.

This isn't a basic "Content Marketing" course... that every self-proclaimed guru out there offers...

(without having actually built & scaled a business themselves, might I add...)

This is the nuts & bolts, nitty gritty, behind-the-curtain access to the PROVEN creative systems that were ran & operated inside the #1 Fastest Growing B-to-C Company in America.

(INC. 5000 2019)

...And that any business, at any level, can implement right now.

You can have ALL the beautiful funnels you want...

but if you can't GET people there, it’s all for nothing… 

So, if you’re ready to attract your perfect customer, streamline content creation, fill your funnel like never before & walk away with all of the proven systems to make it happen...


Meet Your Instructor

Kaelin Tuell Poulin

Kaelin started her business career in network marketing, where she grossed over 12 million in sales with thousands of team members under her leadership.

Next, she founded and grew LadyBoss, a women's health and lifestyle brand, to be the #4 fastest-growing privately held company in America in 2019.

Together with her husband and business partner Brandon, they have built marketing, sales, service, support, IT, HR, and finance teams that have helped them generate over $200 million in combined revenue through multiple verticals and channels, including consumer packaged goods, high ticket coaching, apparel & accessories, digital products, courses, live events, and book sales.

Kaelin’s webinars, videos, and content have garnered billions of views over the last 5 years. Also, her Barnes and Noble #1 bestselling book, business and consumer product awards, business profile, and mainstream blog contributions have accumulated 50+ media appearances on major news networks, including FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Inc Magazine, Entrepreneur, Forbes, PopCulture, TODAY, BuzzFeed, and many others.

Kaelin is wholly committed to God, her husband Brandon, her two daughters, Roemee & Revlyn, and the highest level of success for her clients and community. To date, she has donated well over 1 million dollars to charity and counting.

Still "Thinking About It"?...

In all seriousness,

The things I’m revealing in this Masterclass are responsible for generating $200 Million in my business…

So the question is: "How much is this ticket actually worth?!"

And the Answer is: Hundreds of thousands of dollars more than I’m charging.

There is no other way to access this info from me without paying $25,000-$150,000...

but I’m letting you in for only a tiny, small (almost INSANE) fraction of that cost!

Anddd I can confidently PROMISE that it’s not only going to blow your mind...

(I mean, my friends only got a tiny sneak peek & it made them gasp for air)

But you'll walk away with an entirely new playbook of creative systems & processes that you never even knew you needed... but will explode your business & give you your time (& sanity) back.

Simply put... just ONE of my processes will change the trajectory of your business overnight.

And now imagine leaving with 2 whole days worth of it...

What kind of impact do you think THAT will have on your business?!

Speechless yet?

I am... but I know what I'm bringing to the table...

And it's light years past what you've heard other "content marketers" regurgitate over & over...

I'm the REAL DEAL. (That's not ego talking, it's just the truth)

I've built it. I've ran it. I've scaled it. I've LIVED it.

That's why Russell Brunson has been trying to get his hands on all of this for yearssssss.

(True story. If you don't believe me, he just told 5,000 people that from stage, I have the receipts)

I'm almost 100% sure he's paying to host the whole thing just so he can finally have it.

And now I'm bringing it allllllllllll...

The systems we would NEVER show to any other business...

The secrets to creating insanely high-performing content that I've kept to myself...

The processes & SOP's behind our success that no one outside our business has ever seen...

I'm revealing it ALL...

But only this ONCE.

  ***WARNING: This Is A “One-Time-Only” Event!***

The Only Other Way To Access This Masterclass Costs $25,000!

Get Your Masterclass Recordings Now!

If You've Made It This Far...

I'm Just Going To Be Blunt...

You could be on your way to exponentially exploding your business in record-time, without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on coaches, marketing consultants, ad specialists, & masterminds (that lack the tactical plans to implement all the "new ideas" anyways)...

But you're still here scrolling...

Are you waiting for me to convince you?

Well, sorry to let you know that I don't believe in that.

I believe in taking ACTION.

It wasn't someone having to "convince us" to invest what we needed to in order to grow our business that got us to where we are...

It was massive action.


Are you someone that needs "convincing" that this is an insane opportunity for you to exponentially grow your business?

Or are you an Action Taker that does whatever it takes to multiply your business when the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself?

Choose wisely...

(I think we both know how each of these types of business owners end up.)


This is the part where I stop talking...

And YOU take ACTION.

...Because you and I BOTH know that you're not the "need convincing" type.

  *** WARNING***

The Only Other Way To Access This Masterclass Costs $25,000!

Get Your Masterclass Now!

Sending You Love & Giving You Bluntness Always,

xoxo Kaelin


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